About Us

Art Comes In Many Forms

Rounds Are Our Passion

Art belongs on a coin

At Osborne Mint we believe that art doesn't just belong on the wall, it belongs minted on a round. Our company provides a unique experience that allows everyone to be able to hold art in their hands, appreciate its beauty, quality, and have the ability to be a collector.

Osborne Mint has a strong corporate culture and rich history in American culture.


Osborne Mint is a division of Osborne Coinage

Anne Stokes Dragons Round

Artists Collections

We love art and partner with talented artists to bring their work to life.
Theodosia Vintage Round

Silver Collections Since 2017

Osborne Mint silver rounds are highly collectible and can only be acquired through premier distributors.
World Tree 5oz Antique

Rounds Per Collection

All of our collections are unique. We keep our collections focused and limit the number of rounds per collection.